Robotic Events (Mostly Local)

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Great Changes in Store for the VEX

Innovation First, Inc, the makers of the VEX Robotics System, is teaming up with Revell Monogram to bring the VEX to the next level while reducing costs to the consumer.

The first products are expected out this summer.


Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Microsoft Robotics Studio November CTP is Out!

Each month this new robotics development environment gets more exciting.

If you have not yet taken a look, now is a good time.


Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Our First Custom Robot

From Our first cus...

This is our first custom Robot. No plans, just an idea to make a robot to play catch with and a few months of consistent work and fun.

Now that the body is basically done, Emma and I will begin programming it to play catch.

To get ready for the programming stage Emma, Ian and I have been playing a lot of c-jump.

We'll let you know when it is functioning.